Plagiarism Checker for everyone!

Plagibot is the world's most trusted and highly used plagiarism checker. Simply paste the text below and click on the "Search" button to quickly detect plagiarism.

Plagiarism detector that is trusted by students, teachers, writers and more than 10K enterprises.

What we do

Since 2010, we have helped folks check more than 10 million pages for plagiarism

Intelligent Search

We've honed our natural language processing and search engine for 10+ years to provide the most intelligent plagiarism checker.

Award-winning Product

We stay focused on one thing: Plagiarism Detection. It is no surprise that we have won various accolades over the years.

Never-ending Updates

We maintain 15B+ web pages in our expansive data warehouse. 1K+ new web pages are added every second!

Designed for Everyone

We strive to keep Plagibot simple to use. Our goal is to create a delightful digital experience for everyone.

Lightning Fast Search

Based on various benchmarks, we provide the fastest and most accurate plagiarism search. Period.

We Stay Curious

Our globe-spanning team of language and data scientists is constantly researching and experimenting to make improvements.

Plagiarism Checker FAQs

We are constantly scraping the web adding more than 60K new content pieces to our data warehouse every hour! We have hundreds of New Publishers as our customers who depend on Plagibot's ability to detect all types of plagiarism on the freshest content items.

We have an iron-clad privacy policy. We do not store any content you search for plagiarism on our servers. We only process it in real-time to check for plagiarism. We then show you the results. The only place where the content is technically "stored" is your browser page (HTML) where you submit the content and see the results.

We offer a free tier that allows you to search up to 2000 words a month for completely free. You can always sign up to our paid tiers if your search volume exceeds that. Feel free to reach out to us at if you have any pricing-related questions.

Copying other people's work can not only lead to legal, ethical & moral issues - but can be immensely harmful to a writer's or company's reputation.

Harm to Student Reputation. Most schools and colleges have clearly published policies on plagiarism. Repeated offenses can not only result in poor grades but can also result in outright expulsion. We therefore strongly suggest all students check their work for plagiarism before submission. Repeated plagiarism can not only cause a student to receive a written warning, suspension, and possibly expulsion - but their academic history & record can also reflect ethical offenses. This can make it incredibly difficult for students to gain admission to other colleges and universities. Most academic institutes check your academic records before granting admission to prospective students. Any prior record of ethical offense can make it difficult for the admission committee to grant admission to an otherwise deserving student. Most cases of plagiarism are referred to the academic integrity committee which is responsible for reviewing each and every case and deciding on the resulting action - it is best to never be referred to such committees.

Harm to Professional Reputation. Any professional caught plagiarizing content can find themselves in a tough spot. The severity of the reaction depends on the professional's public stature. A popular and well-read journalist might find their reputation irreparably harmed and forever tarnished. After all, who wants to trust, let alone read, a writer who is found to plagiarize other people's work? It goes without saying that employers can also suspend or fire any person found of plagiarism - especially if it results in negative and unwanted publicity.

Harm to Academic Reputation. Academics such as researchers and professors are constantly publishing their research and findings to their peers in form of research papers. These writings are simply an output of their work - and the barometer by which their reputation is judged. Imagine being found to have copied other people's work as yours? This can literally end an academic's career and destroy their reputation.

Legal Consequences. The legal consequences of plagiarism can be very daunting. By default, any piece of writing carries Copyright Laws protection which is very clear. If you use someone else's piece of work, without giving them due credit through a citation and/or a reference, you are simply involved in the act of plagiarism. This can have harmful consequences in a court of law. Writers, by default, are well aware of these laws - and therefore any act of plagiarism is simply but deliberate. We, therefore, recommend that everyone checks their work for plagiarism before submission

Financial and Monetary Consequences. As previously stated, all original work is protected by Copyright Laws. Therefore, the original author is well within their rights to sue the plagiarist. Such legal actions almost always result in monetary restitution. When the original author is employed by a publishing company, the consequences can be severe as one company can sue another company. It is best to avoid having to pay monetary penalties and causing irreparable damage to your and potentially your employer's reputation.